Wednesday March 14, 2012

The Old Paths

Thomas Doolittle

From a Sermon by Thomas Doolittle (c.1630-1707)

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Jeremiah 6:16

All Men in this World having for their Constituent parts a Mortal Body, and an Immortal Soul, are passing out of this Life into another: Out of this, because of the Mortality of the Body; into another, because of the Immortality of the Soul.  And all both good and bad are daily and hourly travelling to an everlasting and unchangeable state, whose Bodies shall be quickly turned into lifeless dust, and their Souls enter into Heaven or Hell, and be with God or Devil, in Joy or Torment, when they come to their Journeys end; and according to the way they now walk in, so it will be with them for ever: Those that walk in the way chalked out by God, at the end of this Life shall have the end of their Faith, and Hope and Holiness, the Salvation of their Souls; but those that walk after the flesh, and the ways of sin, shall find Hell to be at the end of their walk.  Therefore it is of Infinite concernment to all, to observe and do what is prescribed in the Text . . .

Wednesday June 22, 2016

The Happy Man

By Lachlan Macenzie

Monday May 2, 2016

Be Still My Soul

By Katharina von Schlegel, b. 1697

Saturday March 12, 2016

What the Reformation Really Means


Wednesday March 2, 2016

Cheerful Piety – Memoir

By John Berridge

Wednesday March 2, 2016

Cheerful Piety – Letter I

By John Berridge

Wednesday March 2, 2016

Cheerful Piety – Letter II

By John Berridge

Wednesday March 2, 2016

Cheerful Piety – Letter III

By John Berridge

Wednesday March 2, 2016

Cheerful Piety – Letter IV

By John Berridge