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We are Cliff and Ruth Parsons. We live and work in Portsmouth in Hampshire, UK. We worship at Salem Baptist Chapel in Portsmouth and we are both members of the church meeting there.

The Parsons Pages began as a vehicle “For promoting the Christian religion as it is professed by Protestant Dissenters of the Denomination of Particular Baptists.” We sought to do this by publishing various articles on our website and then, in 2012, we ventured into the world of bookselling. Our aim is to supply good quality, doctrinally sound, new and second-hand Christian books, many of which are not available on the high street. We are Protestant, Evangelical (in the true sense of the word) and Calvinistic.

“The LORD hath done great things for us;
whereof we are glad.”

Psalm 126:3


Cheerful Piety – Letter IV

A Consolatory Letter to a Christian Friend under sore trouble

Dear Madam,

I have been lately much hurried, or, according to your desire, I should have written before; agreeable, however, to my promise, I have endeavoured to send you a few lines, which I shall be thankful and rejoice, if they are blessed of God to your support and comfort, u...