About us


The Parsons Pages began as a vehicle “For promoting the Christian religion as it is professed by Protestant Dissenters of the Denomination of Particular Baptists.” We sought to do this by publishing various articles on our website and then, in 2012, we ventured into the world of book selling. Our aim is to supply good quality, doctrinally sound, new and second-hand Christian books, many of which are not available on the high street. We are Protestant, Evangelical (in the true sense of the word) and Calvinistic.


The Five Points of Calvinism

Each of the Five Points is examined, as well as their history. The practical implications of the doctrines are considered with regards to personal experience and the preaching of the gospel. An English translation of The Geneva Theses of 1649 is also included as an Appendix

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The Five Points of Calvinism

Each of the Five Points is examined, as well as their history. The practical implications of the doctrines are considered with regards to personal experience and the preaching of the gospel. An English translation of The Geneva Theses of 1649 is also included as an Appendix.

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“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished…”

2 Peter 2:9


From “Retracings and Renewings” by Dr. D. A. Doudney

I stand in and by Jesus, and plead before Him that precious promise respecting my poor fallen nature, “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Well am I aware that, if the Lord withdraw His hand, or remove His restraining power, there is not a sin of which I am not capable, nor a temptation to which I should not yield; but then (thanks to His na...